Rainbow Shawl kit

Fergus Yarn Co.

Welcome to Fergus Yarn Co. We are a small, independent hand dyer in the heart of Fergus. We aim to bring creative joy to all our fibre friends out there…Positivity through Creativity is our motto. Let us know how we can help<


80/20 SW Merino Sock - 100g, 400+m



Martin Wild Fyre

80/20 SW Merino Sockweight

100g, 400+m

We have so many glorious, squishy colours available and yet our web page has yet to catch up! Please feel free to msg us for any colours you’ve seen at festivals or social media and we will make those available to you! Updates to come!




1 Fergus Yarn Co sock Mini, 2.5mm DPNs & 4 Stitch Markers


Cast on 26 Stitches using Long-tail Cast-on.  6 stitches on first DPN, 7 on next, 6 on third and 7 on fourth.  Join in the round being careful not to twist stitches.

Row 1: K1, P1 and repeat around row (Do round of ribbing for neck)

Row 2 & 3: K1, P1…repeat ribbing pattern around row

Row 4:  knit one round

(time for raglan sleeve increases)

Row 5: K2, M1R, pm, K1, M1L, K7 then K2, M1R, pm, K1, M1L, K7

Row 6: knit one round

Row 7: knit to marker, M1R, SM, k1, m1L knit to next marker M1R, SM, k1, m1L

Row 8: knit one round

Row 9: repeat row 7

Row 10: repeat row 8

Repeat rows 7 & 8 until count on needles is 17 on first, 19 on second, 17 on third and 19 on fourth or 72 stitches total

Take 14 stitches from center of two opposing needles with stitch count of 17 (between “raglan” lines) and place on stitch holder or waste thread for sleeves.  Joining rounds tightly under arms, knit body.  Knit 12 rows in stockinette stitch.

Complete bottom of body with 6 rows of ribbing – K1, P1

Cast off.


Pick up stitches from stitch holder or waste thread and place on DPNs…make beginning of row under armpit.

Rows 1 – 8: knit

Row 9: K2TOG, knit rest of stitches

Row 10 – 14:  Knit

Row 15: K2TOG, knit rest of stitches

Row 16 – 18: K1, P1 repeat to end of row

Cast Off.  Seam any gap under armpit.  Sew in ends and Voila!  One teeny,, tiny Christmas sweater ornament!


K – knit                                                 pm – place marker

P – purl                                                 K2TOG – Knit two stitches together, knitwise

M1R – Make 1 right                         St marker – stitch marker

M1L – Make 1 left


Ornamental Hat (to match sweater)

Continue using Fergus Yarn Co. sock yarn mini.  Cast on 22 stitches evenly on 2.25 DPNs.  Knit 10 rows of 1x1 ribbing (K1, P1 repeated).  Then knit 10 rows of stockinette (knit entire rows).

Row 11:  (decrease row) *K3, K2TOG* repeat until 2 st left then knit last 2 st.

Row 12 – 16: knit

Row 17: ( decrease row) *K2, K2TOG* repeat until 2 st left then knit last 2 st.

Row 18 – 22: knit

Row 19: (decrease row) *K1, K2TOG* repeat

Row 20 use final st to make i-cord for as many rows as is pleasing, decreasing by knitting first two st together whenever you feel it looks like a good time (depending on how long a tail you want on your hat).  Bind off when desired length is reached.  I added a tassel – you can have a tassel, make a pompom or have nothing attached to the end.

Christmas Cracker Crown

By Fiona Stevenson

This traditional Christmas Crown is a knitted version of the paper crown found in Christmas

crackers. It’s knit flat with one strand of yarn at the buttonhole band and button band, but two

strands of yarn held together to create the stiffer crown tips.

Yarn: 25g Sock mini skein divided into two balls.

Needle: 2.25mm

Notions: two buttons, yarn needle


BO: bind off

CO: cast on

K: knit

K2tog: knit the next two stitches together

M1: with the left needle tip pick up the strand between stitches from front to back, knit through

the back loop.

P: purl

RS: right side

St(s): stitch(es)

WS: wrong side


Buttonhole Band

Using one strand of yarn

CO 14 sts

Knit 8 rows


Row 1 (RS): K6, BO4, K4

Row 2: K4, thumb cast on 4 sts, K4

Rows 3-12: K to end

Repeat rows 1-12 four MORE times to make 5 buttonholes.

Knit all rows until band measures 8” from cast on edge ending with a WS row completed.

Row 13: K1, SSK, K8, K2tog, K1

Row 14: K to end


Add the other strand, holding yarn double (2 strands together)

Row 1 (RS): K to last st, M1, K1

Row 2: K to end

Repeat rows 1 and 2 six MORE times for a total of seven repeats (19 sts)

Row 3: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1

Row 4: K to end

Repeat rows 3 and 4 five MORE times for a total of six repeats (13 sts)

Row 5 and 6: K to end

Row 7: K to last st, M1, K1 (14 sts)

Row 8: CO 1 st, K to end (15 sts)

Repeat rws 7 and 8 seven MORE times for a total of eight repeats (29 sts)

Rows 9-10: K to end

Row 11: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1 (28 sts)

Row 12: BO 1 st, K to end (27 sts)

Repeat rws 11 and 12 seven MORE times for a total of eight repeats (13 sts)

Row 13 and 14: K to end

Row 15 (RS): K to last st, M1, K1 (14 sts)

Row 16: K to end

Repeat rows 15 and 16 five MORE times for a total of six repeats (19 sts)

Row 17: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1

Row 18: K to end

Repeat rows 17 and 18 six MORE times for a total of seven repeats (12 sts)

Button Band

Cut a yarn strand, continuing with one strand of yarn only

Row 1: K1, M1, K to last st, M1, K

Knit every row until piece measures 8” from the end of the crown section.

BO all sts

Sew a button 1” in from the bind off edge of the button band. Sew a button to the RS tallest tip

of the crown. Weave in all ends.